De nieuwe poker animatieserie The Micros trekt veel kijkers op YouTube. Jay ‘KRANTZ’ Rosenkrantz en John ‘Jimm[Le]gs’ Wray maakten de serie, die gaat over drie lowstakes grinders. De pilotaflevering kun je in dit bericht bekijken.
“We’re actually a little surprised that the reaction was as explosive as it was”, zei Wray. “We thought it would take months to build up a fan base, but apparently there was a hunger for this kind of story and we stumbled right into it.”
“The next full episode is slated for January, but we hope to have a little somethin’ somethin’ out in time for the holidays. As for how many we want to produce, that’s open-ended right now. We love the world of “The Micros” and have a lot of stories we want to tell. But even with technological shortcuts like Xtranormal, animation still takes a long time to produce. So, we probably won’t be able to release more than one per month.”
Hieronder de pilotaflevering:
Vond de eerste aflevering echt hilarisch en hoop dat ze hier nog lang mee door gaan!
Vond de eerste aflevering echt hilarisch en hoop dat ze hier nog lang mee door gaan!