Greg Raymer lanceert Instructiesite

Op het welbekende pokerforum 2+2, meld voormalig wereldkampioen Greg Raymer dat hij samen met (voorlopig) 5 andere bekende namen uit het live-pokercircuit een online Instructiesite gaat maken. Eric Seidel, Annie Duke, Tom McEvoy, Alex Outhred en Bill Chen hebben allemaal toegezegd om mee te werken aan de site.

“I hope all of you will consider trying out the new training site where I will be teaching, We are going to feature well-known live pros as the instructors. I have already made a lot of videos, and other instructors already lined up include Eric Seidel, Annie Duke, Tom McEvoy, Alex Outhred and Bill Chen, with others already set to be added. The site isn’t live yet, but will be soon, presumably later this month.” Aldus “Fossilman”.

2+2 zou 2+2 niet zijn als dit bericht geen reacties uitlokt. Nadat tientallen forum-members uiterst negatief reageren op de site van Raymer, door bijvoorbeeld te zeggen dat deze site het nooit zal halen bij bijvoorbeeld Cardrunners, reageert Raymer behoorlijk geirriteerd.

“I don’t see how you can possibly compare our new site to CardRunners or anybody else, since you haven’t seen our site yet. Plus, too many people here are so insular. You think that online poker is THE poker world. The vast majority of poker players out there don’t play online, or they don’t play online that often. And they don’t play in casinos either, or again not that often. They play in home games and such, and they watch WSOP and all the other TV shows. They have no clue who the top online pros are, as they have never heard of them.

The point of our new site is to attract the general public poker players. These players have no clue about Durrrr (Tom Dwan), or Aba (Brian Townsend), or any of the other great online players. But they do know my name, and Annie’s, and Eric’s, etc. So, if any of you check out the videos, I think you’ll like what you see. If you check out the videos and hate them, then I’ll be happy to hear your criticisms, and will take them very seriously.”

Word vervolgd….

Pieter Salet
Pieter Salet a.k.a. 'PrinsFlip' uit Nijmegen is sinds 2009 aan PokerCity verbonden. Sinds 2017 is hij eigenaar, samen met Lars 'LarsVegas' Smeets.


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